We provide what drives your business

Company Formation
At SBS, we identify and qualify your needs in order to select one of our independent experts. Each expert deploys experience and updated knowledge to match your business vision. Our experts are accredited professionals. It is our guarantee that your incorporated structure remains at its best compliance level provided that you give them access to information required by laws and regulations.

A successful system is fuelled by a powerful vision. To create a vision, you need to understand what is in your portfolio and how your customers segment. You must also know your capital expenditure, customer experience and geographies. Then you need to be able to translate that vision into real change within your organization. We design, align and tune your system to save your time, costs and energy in order to improve your performance in less consumed time.

Marketers need to focus on building brand value, driving revenue and increasing market share. This requires a precise strategy which involves collaborating with sales and customer service. We know it can be hard persuading the CRM to invest in marketing, often causing CMOs to battle with limited resources. Once you’ve constructed your strategy, you need it to rapidly take shape, so you can turn your skeptic's into supporters.

The right technology, combined with people, process and data, helps increase efficiency, grow profitability and improve performance. But it’s difficult to choose the right technology and then potentially even more difficult to get it implemented and adopted successfully. How do you make sure you successfully meet the business need when you need to change technology to adapt to constantly moving business requirements?

Marketers need to focus on building brand value, driving revenue and increasing market share. This requires a precise strategy which involves collaborating with sales and customer service. We know it can be haIf you know who your customers are, understand their specific needs and design your service organization around them, you can build a market leading experience, improving retention and referrals. Every touch point is an opportunity to improve your reputation. In some scenarios, contact should be slick, digitalized and hassle free.

Today’s customer is in the driving seat. Facts, figures and feedback are readily available in this information age. You need to be able to deliver the right customer experience at the same time as improving growth and margin. Not only do you need to drive sales, you also need to transform customer experience while keeping control of costs. All of this has made the sales role more complex than ever.